Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Coming to my senses.

I think maybe my version of simplicity is somewhat complex but not necessarily in a bad way. When I was out there working like a madman in the normal pursuits western culture finds so important, I always had to take things to the extreme. Every day had to be fully involved with pushing toward whatever goals where in my mind at the time. Work hard, play hard, sleep little, accumulate, press on. If the thought of simplicity entered my mind, it was quickly drowned out by a chorus of little voices crying out "BORING!".

Wow! What a shift in perspective the last few years has entailed. The goals have all changed as well as the methods and for the most part, they resemble the path of many looking for a simple and more independent life. I know now what boring is and it isn't the current life I live, it was the old. Hindsight truly is 20/20. Simple doesn't equate to dull. As my opening sentence suggests, the complexity is still there and maybe more so, it is just now in areas of my choosing and to my satisfaction. As my welcome post of this blog proclaimed, I am working to become, not to acquire.

To avoid any confusion, I realize that simplicity and complexity are polar opposites but I know now that you can have both. Life is so much bigger than the limits we often impose on ourselves. In my case simplicity and complexity are very intertwined, working very well together to bring about fulfillment. Living a very simple life in the physical sense allows me the freedom and time to pursue a wide range of interests which is where the complexity is more than welcome and entirely by choice.

Words only can accomplish so much. I could never adequately describe the effects of what moving to a simple life has done. From laughing like a child at the smallest things, to having the time to finally build a foundation of understanding in my spiritual life with which I stand on with confidence, the attempted explanations would only be understated. On that note, my goal has merely been to say: If you are on the fence, make a choice. If you realize your life is chaotic and out of balance, do something to change it. Sitting in the passenger seat isn't a good place to be if the world is driving.

As for the complex interests, they are all future blog entries so stay tuned...


Simply What Matters said...

Hi Mike, You said: "If you realize your life is chaotic and out of balance, do something to change it. Sitting in the passenger seat isn't a good place to be if the world is driving." Many many people fit this description as I have myself... But I am soon to be back in the driver's seat and pursuing a much simpler life.

I appreciate and like the way your post correlates the slowing down into a simpler more thought provoking life vs. the rush and chaos of a blurr of a life. And, you are right that is not at all boring... on the contrary, it's amazing to see and hear and breath... Enlightening post!

Thanks & Blessings to you Mike,Brenda

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,

One of my favorite "pop psychologists" says, "If you're not in charge of your brain, then who is?" He says this when people describe phobias that they can't control, or life situations in which they feel stuck, or even little things like not being a "morning person".

Your phrase about being in the passenger seat reminded me of that. I definitely prefer being in the driver's seat of my own life :) Thanks for the thought-provoking post.